Does FaceCall protect my privacy?

Yes. Our policy conforms to all US and international privacy requirements, including the GDPR.You can find all the information about how we handle privacy data here.If ever want to be removed from our systems, please contact us. You have the following rights to data protection. Certain rights may not apply to all circumstances. Please, note that […]

How do I update FaceCall?

We encourage you to use the latest version of FaceCall. You can easily update FaceCall from the App Store or the Google Play Store.

Can I use my video introduction to meeting new people?

Yes. It’s easy to create a video greeting when you want to connect with new people in the FaceCall community. You can also invite your family friends and your connections on Facebook and Twitter to join you on FaceCall.

Can I delete/ cancel my videos?

Yes, in your Profile, you can see a list of all your video greetings. Just tap a video, and you’ll be taken to video Details Page, where you can delete the video.

Can I block other FaceCall users?

Yes, you can block calls from other FaceCall users from your Explore section. If you want to unblock anyone, simply go to your Setting and select the user you want to unblock.

How do I report a member I consider abusive?

FaceCall does not permit abusive, unlawful, threatening, harassing, defamatory, libelous, deceptive, fraudulent, obscene, vulgar, offensive, profane, or other behavior that is deemed inappropriate by us.We encourage community members to report any such behavior. Go to Explore and at the top left, tap the 3-dot icon. Choose between Report a Post or Block a User.

Can I record a video preview when I place a call?

Yes. Then the person you’re calling can see your video before you can see them. If the person likes what they see, he or she can answer your call.At the same time, when you receive a call, you can see the person’s video introduction and have the option to accept or decline the call. You […]

When is a video introduction required?

It’s required before you can place a call to anyone you would like to connect with for the first time who you found in the Explore section. Such users cannot be called directly. Once a user accepts your first call, you can begin to call each other directly.